

Articles submitted for publication should be informative, analytical, and practical. The BSCES Civil Engineering Practice Journal seeks material which will offer our readership insight into emerging or developing technologies in the field of Civil Engineering. Manuscripts are considered for publication with the understanding that they represent original material, have not been published previously, and are offered with fee to BSCES. Articles may not be simultaneously submitted else. Submitted manuscripts will go through a blind review. Articles should range from 6,000-10,000 words.

All manuscripts to be considered for submission should be emailed to Journal.Board@BSCES.ORG.

  • Download Template here.
  • Please keep the style of writing or article similar to the style in the template. Please remember that our readership is across all the divisions of Civil Engineering. If there are particular terms, acronyms, procedures, etc., that might not be familiar to other practicing engineers in other divisions, please clearly define them clearly and concisely. .
  • Please refrain from mentioning a particular company’s services or products if a generic product name or service or procedure can be substituted.
  • The Journal is published two times per year, in the Spring/Summer and in the Fall/Winter.  Once a manuscript is received, it will be published in the first available issue. 
  • You will have a final opportunity to review your article at the page-proof stage prior to publication.

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All rights reserved. No part of the material protected by this copyright notice may be reproduced or utilized in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical including photocopying, recording or by any information storage and retrieval system, without the prior written permission from the copyright owner. However, permission is not required to copy abstracts of papers on the condition that a full reference to the source is given.

The Author (s) may not publish his/her paper anywhere else without the prior written permission of the publisher unless it has been changed substantially. The Author (s) warrants that his/her paper is original, except for such excerpts from copyrighted works as may be included with the permission of the copyright holder and author thereof, that it contains no libellous statements, and does not infringe on any copyright, trademark, patent, statutory right, or propriety right of others.  The Author signs for and accepts responsibility for releasing this material on behalf of any and all co-authors. In return for these rights:

  1. All proprietary rights other than copyrights, such as patent rights.
  2. The right to use all or part of this article, including tables and figures in future works of their own, provided that the proper acknowledgment is made to the Publisher as copyright holder.
  3. The right to make copies of this article for his/her own use, but not for sale.
  4. It is the responsibility of each author to ensure that paper (s) submitted to journal are written with ethical standards in mind, concerning plagiarism. Please note that all submissions are thoroughly checked for plagiarism. If an attempt at plagiarism is found in a published paper, the authors will be asked to issue a written apology to the authors of the original material. Any paper which shows obvious signs of plagiarism will be automatically rejected and its authors may be banned for duration of 01 years from publishing in journal. The authors will receive proper notification if such a situation arises.
  5. This paper has not been published in the same form elsewhere.
  6. It will not be submitted anywhere else for publication prior to acceptance/rejection by this Journal.
  7. Paper cannot withdraw at any condition once it is published.

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The names and email addresses entered in this journal site will be used exclusively for the stated purposes of this journal and will not be made available for any other purpose or to any other party.

Back issues for BSCES Civil Engineering Practice Journal are available at $27.50 per copy, plus postage. Copies of the last print edition of the Journal, a combined four issue publication (Volume 26 Issues I and II and Volume 27 Issues I and II), are available at $90.00 per copy, plus postage.

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